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A member registered Nov 14, 2016

Recent community posts

I have a macbook pro and I really want to play this game, but it won't download! I love the premise of this game, but I even tried to download it on my windows seven and iPad 2 but they won't work either. I really want to play this game, so please tell me why it isn't working, or if it just doesn't work on those platforms. If it doesn't work, I understand that it takes a long time to make the game available on  a new device but maybe you can do it in the far future, as long as i get to play this amazing game at least once in my life. 馃槄

I love this demo so much! probably the best so far! I just have two questions. 1. WHEN WILL YOU RELEASE THE FULL GAME!?!?!?!?!? 2. Will I be able to play it for free, and will i be able to buy it here if it costs money?

i guess that's three questions... But I seriously love this game and I'm so excited for the full release!